
Blastocystis (Blastocystis hominis) is a common infection that can be found all over the world and one that does not necessarily show any symptoms. It has previously been questioned whether Blastocystis really causes harm in humans. It is clear that some individuals get severe symptoms and others none at all, which can be due to a number of different reasons such as when other coexisting infections are ongoing and the immune system is impaired.

Giardia lamblia

Gardia lamblia is one of the earliest parasites to have evolved and can be found world wide. It is a protozoan and one of the smaller parasites (non visible to the naked eye) with the potential to cause a lot of trouble in the notifiable disease referred to as Giardiasis.

Cryptosporidium Parvum

Infection with Cryptosparidium parvum is a parasite that spreads through water and food or from animals to humans, it is found worldwide and almost exclusively always causes symptoms of infection with; abdominal pain, headache, fever and severe diarrhea in humans. In the case of a weakened immune system (e.g. AIDS/HIV), the symptoms can be directly life-threatening.
Incubation period is approximately 2-12 days from the time you ingest the parasite until symptoms appear.

Entamoba Histolytica

Entamoba Histolytica is a highly contagious notifiable parasitic disease that infects the intestine and can be found world wide, however more commonly in Asia, Africa and South America. Infection mainly occurs through contaminated water, food or in connection with insufficient hand hygiene, sexual contact or fecal-contaminated objects.